International arbitration is the most convenient and preferred method to solve disputes arising from international commercial contracts. In general, arbitration is a more confidential, cost-effective, efficient, neutral, speedy, and private mechanism than national court-based litigation. For those reasons, Clients operating in international commercial areas usually prefer to include an arbitration clause in their contracts.

Arbitration agreement is the most efficient key in solving commercial disputes with the respective parties’ consent. Drafting of an effective and feasible arbitration agreement is the most significant part of the arbitral process because any ambiguity in the arbitration agreement can ultimately upset the entire business processes. This is easily avoidable. You can be sure that Çekinmez will provide high quality consultancy services for you from the drafting of an arbitration agreement to the phase of recognition and enforcement of the award.

It should be emphasized that Çekinmez is recognized as a pioneer in the field of international arbitration. This is primarily due to the fact that our dedicated lawyers have solved complex commercial disputes through ad hoc and institutional arbitration. An equally relevant factor is that most of our lawyers have studied and practiced arbitration law abroad.

Moreover, Çekinmez’s International Arbitration Team has experience in conducting international arbitration including acting as counsel or sitting as arbitrator under all the major institutional and procedural rules, including those of the ICC, AAA, ICSID and UNCITRAL.

At present, Çekinmez represents parties in international arbitration consisting of various sectors including aviation, banking, construction, energy, finance, insurance, international trade and investments, intellectual property, maritime, media and communications, sport, technology and telecommunications.